Board Meetings


Upcoming Meetings

The Chaska High School Hawks Booster Board meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the Main Office Conference Room at Chaska High School.

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2023-2024 Meeting schedule

Meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the Office Conference Room. Times and Dates are subject to change. Contact a board member for confirmation.



Meeting Minutes

3/4/24 call to order 6:30 pm
Baseball captains came to thank the boosters for the money for the baseball cages. Told us about their upcoming season and what they plan to work towards. Practice starts 3/11.
Boosters game them $200 for coming to tell us what is going on in their sport.

Boosters will be attending the bash with us 4/12 at the Chaska event center
We have a total of $97,000 with 35,000 earmarked so we have around $64,000.
Quiz bowl asked for some money to go to nationals we did vote but quiz now got back to us and will be coming to our April meeting so we will revote then.
Concessions- grill is working and on way back to school.  Lacrosse is needing concessions 4/6 from 8 ish to 1 pm.
We discussed hawk merch logo use. The district needs to decide and then make everyone accountable. Including youth sports.
Web page is almost ready and new pics are up on it.
School updates: boys basketball will play at Shakopee for 1st round in section basketball Wednesday 3/6.
Spring sports start 3/11- track and field, tennis, Lacrosse, baseball, softball
Those in attendance : Adam, Lexi, Ed, Jason,  Anita, Donita, Renae and Danielle.
Meeting adjourned at 8:04pm

Feb 5 2024 call to order 6:30

Chaska Bash came and asked to run through the boosters. No live auction this year but teams will donate baskets. Will still have wine wall and beads. No dinner and will be less time. Appetizers and drinks. We approved to run all things through the Boosters.
We have $ 97,000 total but still have invoices out.
Speech tourney 2/17 8 am-4 ish.
LaCrosse concessions 4/6 8am-2pm. Winding down for winter season.
Hawk Shop: Hours2/13,2/15 during day and 2/25.
Web page is upgrading software and moving along
Update from Anita- Alpine and Nordic sections are 2/6/24
Girls Hockey 2/9 sections
CHS will be hosting LaCrosse State- we will open concessions June 11-15.
New Bleachers will happen in 2025.
We had a hockey request for help with their season. They requested many different things up to $28,000.
The boosters talked about ice time for $5,000. The motion was made by Donita, 2nd Michelle all were in favor.
Alpine team came and talked to us about their season. They did say they would like practice uniforms and the warm coats that all match with team info. Also they would stay with team. $3,000 motion made by Ed, 2nd by Renae and all were in favor.
In attendance at tonight’s meeting- Anita, Michelle, Ed,Adam, Jess, Lexi, Danielle, Renae and Donita

Booster meeting notes 1/8/24
Called to order 6:30
Tonight we welcomed Girls LaCrosse and Cheerleading to our meeting to tell us about their sport and what is happening with them.
Cheerleading is providing a safe and inclusive place to be. They are kind and respectful to each other. This year they had 30 kids this year for fall. Trying a few winter games this year.
We gave cheerleading $2,000. Motion was Jason, 2nd was Sam  and all were in favor.
Girls Lacrosse came asking for $$. After looking at their needs and wants- we gave them $3,000. Motion Jason, 2nd Adam and all were in favor.
Both were also given $200 just for coming to see the boosters

We also had a request from Mr. Bach for some help with a main hallway display case. The boosters will give up to 15,000 to help with this project. Motion was made by Donita, second by Lexi and all were in favor.
Concessions: we have decided to have no minimum for credit card purchases. Freeziac is doing great.
Hawk shop will be open a couple times in January and Feb 1st for freshman orientation
Web page is getting a revamp and no new news
School updates: we will be hosting state Lacrosse June11,13,15.

Next meeting 2/5/24

December 4,2023

Called to order 6:30pm

Attended Danielle, Renae, Jason, Ed, Lexi, Anita, Donita, Jess, Adam

Visiting activities- Hockey, track and field and Key Club. Each of these activities received $200.00 for coming to chat and tell us what they are doing.

Financials- 81,000 end of November.

Concessions- need leads, also added Freeziac and Chick fil a.

Hawk Shop- will be open 2 fridays during December during lunch time and and 2 times each week during December in the evenings. Hours will be posted on social media

1 new membership was sold

Update from Anita: honored 4 x country and tennis for state at board meeting

Basketball both boys and girls have a great start, all other winter sports are in full swing.


Nordic - request for wax$1,100.

Motion by Jason 2nd Renae all were in favor

LaCrosse- asking for more equipment $1,500, for gloves and $2,400 and $3,000. We gave Lacrosse 7,000 last spring.

We will not be giving more to lacrosse at this time

Track and Field- 180 kids are in track- they are asking for new pole vault mats and cover. Giving 3,000 toward mats. Motion-Ed, second -Jason all in favor

Asked hockey to come back with a different need as we can’t fund personal clothing and warm ups.

Waiting to see what the Bash looks like at this time. Meeting will be later winter

Adjourned at 8:25

November 6, 2023

6:30 Called to order

We welcomed Volleyball, Gymnastics and Wrestling to our meeting. Sue Murphy and 6 girls from team came and told us about season and told us their 09 account doesn’t even pay for the balls they need for the season.

Gymnastics came to tell us about their upcoming season. They have 25 girls on the team this season. Most they’ve had in awhile.

Wrestling and told us about their upcoming season and what they do for the the young kid’s interested in wrestling.

Boosters gave each team $200 bucks just for coming in and chatting with us.

Boosters sold 39 memberships this year. We also have 60,000 in unearmarked dollars.

Concessions- Lexi has closed down soccer and football for year. Winter season starts 11/28 with Dance competition.

We will be trying chick fil a sandwiches and Freeziac frozen yogurt this winter.

Hawk Shop- has a storage unit to build and will be open a lot during the holidays.

Web page updates will come from Michelle and Adam Cummings

School Update- from Anita

Hired new boys hockey coach- Ryan Siiro.

Boosters gave Volleyball 4,000.00, gymnastics 3,000.00 and Wrestling 5,000.00 to help them purchase their mats.

People in attendance- Danielle, Lexi, Jason, Brenda, Renae, Donita, Anita and Michelle

Meeting adjourned 8:15pm

9/11/23  meeting called to order at 6:35

Welcomed our first sports team – Dance Team-to speak about their plans for their season. The coach Kris Rydland and captains came to talk. We wrote them a check for $200.00 for coming.

 After dance left conversation was brought up about how much the dance team volunteers for us and how much dance actually costs for costumes and things. A motion was brought to the floor by Jason to fund the rest of their costumes for this year so $5,000. 2nd by Lexi and 3rd by Renae. Everyone voted yes. Motion passed and check was written and given to Anita

Financials were presented by Renae Baird – we have 104,000 in our account but we spent some money on new appliances and 2 Ipads and protectors for concessions. We have Emarked funds of $2500 to the care team. Baseball has been paid.  

To date we have sold 35 membership pkg. net of$ 4,000


Ideas – cut our own pizza slices

Lead openings and volunteer still struggling with getting volunteers

Grill conversation- using the 2 we purchased from home depot this summer waiting . no update on grill being fixed or if we should just get rid of it

Hawk Shop- did over 9,000 dollars on BTS night

Have 2 people interested in volunteering

Purchasing a cube and baskets for storage

School update- crazy first week- busy with school and sports

Meeting adjourned 8pm

People who attended meeting: Danielle, Renae, Jason, Ed, Donita, Lexi, Anita and Amy Mullen

January 2023 Minutes
Boosters meeting 1-9-2023
Call order at 6:35
Remodel update- we sent a letter to building and maintenance and they are meeting to see how much they will be putting in for the remodel. Boosters will be buying new appliances that need to be upgraded  and will not be paying  much if  anything if the remodel happens. Hoping to start the remodel right after school ends this year.

Hawk logo- the district is taking control of the logo. If you see the hawk logo being used for a profit  please let Anita know.
We have 155,000 in the account
23,000 net  concessions
12,000 net hawk shop
Talking about ideas of still giving out subway giftcards or another place to get gift cards.
Senior party funds given to Melissa.
Concessions- need more soda, feb 4th basketball and jazz festival. Speech is Feb. 18th.
Hawk Shop- Julie said all Christmas stuff came in last week so there will be new merch in the shop.
No updates on the webpage

Feb. 2 is the 8th grade registration meeting at 6:30. Boosters will have a table.

Open positions
Web master, president, membership coord, Hawk shop, volunteer sign up genuis, communications and nest, Sales and advertising.
How do we recruit for next year? Ideas!!!
Meeting adjorned at 7:40.
Those in attendance: Jon Summer, Anita Woodrow, Brenda Lenz, Alan Wright, Danielle Jorgenson, Renae Baird, Donita Stusse, Julie Rydeen, Ed O’Conner, Angie Smalley, Melissa Coddington